


The only Cure 4 the Soul is through the finished work of Jesus Christ, our Lord, by grace through faith (Eph 2:8). He is the only answer to every problem. So, we’d like to provide content dedicated to helping you to maximize your relationship with Him. Hebrews 12:1-2 …and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, 2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;

Sounds nice, but how do you get there?
We can help you.

Work with us

How we serve you

Goals & Planning

We’re passionate about dreams, vision, goals, and planning. Our two-step, proven goal-setting and planning system is a must-have if you’re serious about clarifying your purpose and vision, setting up your mission for success, and reaching your goals in life and business.

Soul-Transforming Teachings

Our free resources include weekly encouraging content on our YouTube Channel, blog, email, and social media. The focus topics support our three core pillars for success: 1. Spiritual Growth, 2. Business, Leadership, and Development, andΒ 3. Purposeful and Intentional Living.


Professional athletes win through years of discipline, training, and coaching. Many Believers have great ideas but have yet to reach their goals. The Bible instructs us to position ourselves to press forward for the prize of the high calling (Phil 3:13-14). Through accountability and coaching, you’ll advance.

Hi, I'm
LaTanya r. Quinn

I help Christian visionaries, entrepreneurs, and creatives called to the marketplace to create purpose-driven businesses, and projects through Biblical principles.

I created Cure 4 the Soul to equip you to live entirely by faith. Living a purpose-driven life leads to joyful fulfillment holistically. And doing the soul work of renewing your mind daily (Romans 12:1-2) will drastically change your life and business.

May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thesselonians 5:23-24 NIV

Dream Big Goals

Our Programs

Dream Big Goals Challenge

This free 2-day Challenge helps you to get unstuck by gaining perspective on your purpose and identity. Once challenged, you'll have the clarity to advance your mission with a game plan to reach your goals.

Dream Big Goals Accelerator

Let's try to gain clarity to sort out the ideas and concepts you're wrestling with. This call helps us discover if we're a good fit to move into the one-on-one coaching program to accelerate your life and business through our CURE results-driven framework.

Dream Big Goals Accountability

This membership is designed for those seeking accountability and support in their planning to reach their goals. We will host a monthly planning session on Zoom. You'll check in with your wins, challenges, scores (from our planner), and prayer requests.

Visit our Sister sites

Get Inspired

Cure 4 Her SoulΒ is a lifestyle and productivity community for Christian Women interested in living and maximizing their Christian life.

Cure 4 the Soul Ministries, is dedicated to sound Biblical teachings, spreading the gospel, spiritual growth, encouragement, discernment, and defending the faith.

At Dream Big Goals we’re passionate about dreams, vision, goals, and planning. Our proven goal-setting & planning system is a must-have for reaching your goals.

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