
Manifesting Goals through Vision Boards

Manifesting Goals through Vision Boards

Do you have questions about manifesting? You’re not alone. Manifesting goals through vision boards by professing Christians is quite popular. Vision board parties are widespread within Christian women’s groups and churches. Writing goals and planning for them is exciting. But the question is, should Christians use vision boards and manifesting to accomplish goals?

I want to be clear that I am all for putting goals in writing and having a plan to accomplish them. Moving forward by taking action demonstrates faith in what you’re believing God for. A faith-filled and hopeful outlook on life is essential to the Christian walk. Additionally, prioritizing the best use of the time and space God placed us in is superior, as the days are evil (Eph 5:16,Β James 4:14).

Nonetheless, problems arise when our goals don’t align with God’s will and purposes. Therefore, we must evaluate the methods and paths to achieving the vision.


In the prior post,Β Christians and Vision Boards – the Hidden Dangers, I uncovered how the majority of goals we make or post to a board exclude God. New age practices weave through the modern church, and they dumb down the authority of God’s truth. The god ofΒ selfΒ is usually the focus instead of dying to self and fully surrendering to God’s plan.

God wants to conform you into the image of His Son Jesus Christ through sanctification.

2 Corinthians 3:18 NIV says, And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

I encourage you to read,Β Christians and Vision Boards – the Hidden DangersΒ article first to get the proper context before reading this one. That teaching sheds light on new age practices and how witches use vision boards.


As a professing Christian, I read my Bible quite a bit back in the day. I documented and meditated on my favorite Scriptures and passages to keep me on track. I never shunned the Bible or fell away from the faith, but reaching my goals was serious business.

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Many of the self-help books I read mentioned scriptures. The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale, was one of them, so I concluded that I was on the right path towards success. I believed God put me here to go afterΒ my goals and dreams. I acted strongly in this goal-setting path to success. I wanted to become financially successful to share my wealth and for people who did not know God to notice Himβ€”so I thought.

Motivational, success, and business books helped me so much in my younger years, but they drew me away from Christ and His actual teachings of wealth. Let me explain. I enjoyed learning about success, success strategies, and successful people more than I sought after God.


So should Christians use vision boards in goal setting? You can, but please be careful with your goal setting, and if you use one, make sure it is Christ-centered.

For some things we’re working towards, we may need a visual representation. But it’s more about the heart behind the action. You can also do a prayer board.

I don’t need to use a vision board for anything with the same heart as I used it in the past. Maybe that might be sufficient if I’m building something (a physical structure such as a house, community center, restaurant, production facility, salon, or retail space). However, this vision board is for architecture, blueprints, and interior planning.

Secondly, family photo collages, healthy eating or fitness, and other creative-related professions use boards to organize ideas and concepts.Β 

Whether it’s goals or vision, ensure God is in it.

2 John 2:15-17 NKJVΒ says, Do not love the world or the things in the world.Β If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.Β 16Β For all thatΒ isΒ in the worldβ€”the lust of the flesh,Β the lust of the eyes, and the pride of lifeβ€”is not of the Father but is of the world.Β 17Β AndΒ the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.

This passage of John seeks to focus your attention on Christ. If there is an unhealthy focus on worldly success and wants of human nature, you need to examine yourself to see if you are in Christ. What are you storing away eternally? It’s detrimental for the Believer to work for eternal rewards stored up in heaven because everything here is passing away.


We are to store up God’s Word in our hearts and obey it, and then we will have success. After Moses died, Joshua resumed where he left off. He led the Israelites into the Promised Land. He didn’t need a vision board, and personal goal-setting had no place here because of his great responsibility for God’s chosen people. Failure would be inevitable if Joshua had followed his secret plan.

Although we primarily hear from God through His written and living Word, we tend to write down things that we believe God is impressing on our hearts as they relate to our goals and dreams, and that’s fine.

Joshua 1:7-9 NIVΒ says, β€œBe strong and very courageous. Be careful to obeyΒ all the lawΒ my servant MosesΒ gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left,Β that you may be successful wherever you go.Β 8Β Keep this Book of the LawΒ always on your lips;Β meditateΒ on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.Β 9Β Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;Β do not be discouraged,Β for theΒ LordΒ your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Why should we focus on what God wants us to focus on? Because we work for Him. We are co-working with His agenda for His assignment. We are His church, children of God, and ambassadors for Christ.


When considering goals, ask the questions:

  • Is this my idea, or is it God’s idea?
  • Will this idea or goal bring glory to God?
  • Will this plan help others to know God more?
  • Although this path seems right, is this the route God wants me to go?

Remember to seek after Kingdom things and His righteousness.

Matthew 6:33 NIVΒ says, But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Make goals soulful, but make sure to seek God’s heart about them. I encourage you to check out my testimony here on YouTube because I share much of how my drive for success created room for many failures, and I would be grateful if you could avoid them.

Check out my testimony:


I only made about 3 vision boards in my life and accomplished some of the goals. There were tons of tears, failures, and periods of depression in my voyage towards achievement. It took years for some things to come to fruition, and I viewed my wins as being on track with God’s plan.

I got the home, published, and distributed the magazine (that didn’t glorify God), the car, the bank account, the marriage, and other things I set out forβ€”but they were short-lived.

To accomplish more significant goals and get the life you want will cost you something. Big goals are tough to achieve. That’s why most people give up.

Adding the exercises of visualizing and extensive planning to your demanding day will cost you. People go after their dreams because they are not interested in sacrificing themselves wholly to Christ for His purposes. The church and the prosperity movement have failed us with the gospel’s truth in this area.

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For a believer, God is your goal!

A thriving black businesswoman who startedΒ God and GoalsΒ is heavily into manifesting. She’s heavily into teaching people to manifest their goals through new age practices, but she professes Christianity. She ran a Facebook ad to teach other Christian women her formula for success. And yesssssss you guessed it, she has tons of followers.

I don’t know this young woman, and I’m unaware of where she stands today, but I hope we all progress in sound doctrine as the days ahead are evil.

Matthew 16:24-26 NIVΒ says, Then Jesus said to his disciples,Β β€œWhoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.Β 25Β For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.Β 26Β What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?

This passage shows the contrast between following after Christ or going your path. When you are bent on your desires, you choose to deny Jesus and select yourself. Sadly, when we do this, we are not gaining anything of actual value, only the illusion of wealth. You are exposing your heart and your authentic desires.

Remember, what you do with this life will be judged for eternity.

When you desire to save your life (focus on your vision and desires), you placeΒ selfΒ above the will of God. Self is tied to pride and turns into an idol. I want you to know there is no real success unless it involves walking out the path God carved out for you.


Since my goals were out of context, I didn’t keep up with my vision board stint for too long. God eventually stripped me of everything I obtained on that vision board. He humbled me while delivering me from the bondage of self ambition and preparing me for the work of ministry.

Jesus didn’t save us from a life of eternal fire and separation from Him so that we can do our own thing!

Christ paid a high ransom to redeem us from eternal death. Nothing we can offer is sufficient to pay for sinβ€”nothing. God created us for good works. His objectives are what matters above any and everything. Some of my goals were approved and aligned with God’s will, but many of them were not.

My goals didn’t’ start to align to His will more until I lost everything and learned to read, study, and understand the Word in its proper framework. Knowledge without the right perspective and biblical understanding is dangerous to the Christian. Studying the Word without proper context allows you to isolate a scripture and make the Bible say whatever you want.

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I do not want to discourage you from writing goals, just as I don’t want to prevent you from prayer. God gave us dreams and desires for a reason. When you elevate spiritually and grow closer in relationship with Him, your yearnings will start aligning with His. The people we study about in the Bible followed the call of God.


  • Genesis 6:22 NIVΒ says, Noah did everything just as God commanded him. (Genesis 6-8)
  • God blessed Abraham for obeying Him (Genesis 26:5 NKJVΒ says because Abraham obeyed My voice and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My laws.)
  • Moses was obedient to God’s will and humble (Numbers 12:3Β NKJVΒ says, Now the man MosesΒ was veryΒ humble, more than all men whoΒ wereΒ on the face of the earth.)
  • Jesus’ disciples surrendered everythingΒ Matthew 19:27 NKJV,” Peter and the disciples left everything to follow Jesus.
  • The apostle Paul never turned back to his former life before encountering Jesus’ saving power. He followed God’s vision for him to pen most of the New Testament letters.

Soulful, there is no surrender without humility.


Write out your goals to gather your thoughts. But, make sure you present these goals to God to confirm they are according to His will.

Soul Actions

PrayΒ for God to show you His will.

Do everythingΒ to the glory of God.

HelpΒ others seek the truth of scripture in goal setting and vision boards.

As The Soul Coach, I am passionate about coaching you to set goals in God’s way, and I appreciate you reading this post.Β 

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