Are you among many Christians who feel God is calling them away from their nine-to-five job or profession? If so, you’re in the right place, as I want to help you unpack when to leap—God’s call to quit your job. First, I’d like to congratulate you on a job well done and on following the Holy Spirit to seek a sound answer that resonates with what you feel He’s leading you into. A career is a significant facet of life where you spend much of your time. But what if God calls you to leave the comfort of a stable job to embark on a faith-driven entrepreneurial path? This monumental decision carries profound spiritual weight and is often a test of your faith and obedience. As someone who has faced the tumultuous journey of leaving their 9-5 a few times to pursue a calling, I understand the profound anxieties and questions that may arise.
Are you ready to explore the spiritual and practical steps to determine if God truly calls you to take this leap of faith? Okay, know that this writing isn’t to take the place of discerning God’s voice through prayer, devotional time, and studying His living Word—got it? We must always seek the Lord first on any matter or concern before contacting anyone else or going to the internet.
Why I left my last job
In March of 2022, God called me away from my last corporate sales role after getting my spiritual and financial house in order. I believed God was going to call me away because of the state of our nation surrounding the Covid19 crisis and pandemic. However, it became clear at the start of 2022, that people weren’t going to get fired for refusing to take vaccinations. Nonetheless, instead God started stirring up some things within that role that started in December 2021 and they escalated. By late February, I knew that they were escalating due to the hand of God.
How did I know it was God’s hand shaking my foundation? Because I’ve been walking with Him long enough to discern His hand pushing and pulling me. Now, I can’t say I’m perfect at discerning this, but I read and study His Word and speak to Him as if He’s with me wherever I am. I ask Him a ton of questions from various angles. The last question I asked was, “Do you want me to stay and faith it out, or walk away.” I felt and discerned a, “NO and to go!” It was clear God called me to quit my job.
He instructed me to move on to the next phase of my life journey. I had no idea that I’d be working as a Soul Coach and building a profit business for Cure 4 the Soul. That came almost two years after leaving the job. I focused on Cure 4 the Soul Ministries, my (non-profit), where I published my writings and taught spiritual growth-based topics.
Question: What is God shaking up in your life?
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7 Reasons to Use Your Gifts and Talents
Why You Aren’t Using Your Gifts and Talents
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Why do we hold on to our jobs?
Many of God’s children hold on to their jobs because they may have had a gap in employment and know how it feels to struggle financially. Others hold on due to fear of loss or failure. On the contrary, the money and bi-weekly deposits into the checking and savings accounts are a good feeling—I know it was for me. Especially, after seasons of struggling to bring in income for my business or to get back to the salary I knew I qualified for.
When you take into account that leaving a job is a huge life change, it can feel like too much to deal with outside of your everyday responsibilities like your spouse, children, or other commitments. In the hustle and bustle of the corporate world when the money is good, it can be easy to silence our soul’s whispers and the Spirit’s nudges. However, our work environment and financial ties are where God’s providence and purpose connect. It is during reflection that we are prompted to make significant changes, and God’s “yes, no, leave, or stay” becomes vital. That’s why we must do whatever it takes in order to confirm what God is commanding us to do. It’s not uncommon for Christians to reach a crossroads where they must choose between employment security and a calling that aligns with God’s plan.
Question: What excites you about your job?
Navigating the path of faith
Navigating the demands of a career through the lens of faith may appear intimidating, but it opens up new possibilities where your work can become a sacred offering, along with advanced responsibilities in God’s long-term plans. When surrendered to God, your unique skills and passions can bloom into a fruitful, purpose-driven enterprise that financially sustains you and your family, enriches your soul, serves others, and, most importantly, ushers you closer to the abundant life Jesus promised.
Jesus is not a thief or robber—He’s a gift giver of everything good and perfect. James 1:17 NIV says, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” Therefore, since our God is unchanging—whatever He removes from your life, He has something better in mind for your eternal benefit and sanctification.
John 10:10 NIV says, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”
Seeking Clarity to Leave Your Job
Responding to God’s call to leave your job is not easy. It involves spiritual disciplines such as prayer, fasting, and meditating on God’s Word. It may require discussing and working out multiple financial scenarios with your spouse. You may also ask those you trust to pray for you or seek wise counsel about your decisions. Through humility and our spiritual disciplines, we create space for God’s voice to flood our hearts and minds.
I had a document entitled “Checklist Before Leaving My Job.” I worked on it for about a year and more intently during the last 90 days before my exit. On the list were things like a savings goal for the living expenses and business, an automobile emergency fund, and maximizing my 401K match and HSA, among many other things.
If we’re already stewarding God’s monetary and time resources, it’s a good chance that He is calling you away to new responsibilities. God normally goes ahead of us to prepare our hearts and minds for the biggest life changes. If you pay attention and prioritize prayer, He can give you time to prepare for a financial change, store some funds, or invest wisely. A wise man stores up things and doesn’t spend his last.
Proverbs 21:20 NIV says,“The wise store up choice food and olive oil, but fools gulp theirs down.”
Question: What are you already storing up and preparing?

The Power of Prayer and Fasting
Prayer serves as the direct line to God’s throne room in heaven. God wants us all to have fellowship with Him. How else can we intimately grow our relationship with the Lord without praying and communing? When considering such life-altering decisions, fervent and consistent prayer can help silence the world’s noise, allowing you to hear God’s voice. Prayer puts your attention on God and the needs of His people. Paired with fasting, you can drown everything else, including the stomach rumblings, enabling you to discern God’s will.
Whenever I think about the prayer and fasting combo, I think about how powerful it has been in my life. Even Jesus told His disciples that “this kind doesn’t come out but by prayer and fasting” when they tried to cast the demon out of the young boy (Matt 17:1 KJV).
Question: How is your daily prayer life?
Is God Calling You to Leave Your Job: Questions
If you’ve gotten this far in the process, consider these things:
- Reflect on your values and goals—how do your values, goals, and aspirations align with your current job or career?
- Does your job allow you the freedom to work with a flexible schedule?
- Can God maximize your skills, gifts, and talents where you are?
- Do you have to compromise your faith and boldness in your role?
- Does your role bring you peace or rob you of it?
- Do you love what you do, or is it a means to an end?
- Did God close doors for you to move up in the company?
God may have used your work as just a money thing to initially get you into a solid financial position, but it should require more than that for you in the long term. Your time is a gift from God, and this is not the time to waste it in a mundane job. Evaluate what truly matters to God and His desires in your heart. If you find any misalignment and incongruency with that thing you know God destined you for and working at your place of employment, it’s time for a change.
Conclusion – The exit plan
So what’s next? Is God calling you to leave your job? After a few months, you can confirm God’s command to quit your job and set your exit plan in motion for your next phase. I encourage you to pay attention to whatever happens in your life and at work. You should keep a journal to flesh out your thoughts a few times weekly. Also, pay attention to the things you hear strangers say or the things you hear or read. I’ve sometimes turned through YouTube, and there would be a video specific to something I’ve been seeking God about.
If you believe God is calling you away from your job and into a purpose-driven business to serve the needs of His people, you’ll need to talk this out. You’ll need to discuss what’s going on in your heart with someone neutral who has no dog in the fight. I’ve worked through the battle of business ownership and working jobs I couldn’t see myself in the long term. I invite you to book a clarity call with me. If you’re not ready for a call, sign up for one of my free resources to be in the know for future-related content and events.
Soul Actions:
Pray and ask God questions specific to what He may be saying.
Study and meditate on the Word of God for clarity.
Seek wise counsel.
Write in your journal to flesh out what’s in your heart and mind.