
Christian Creative – Unlock Your Purpose-Driven Business Potential

If you’re a Christian visionary looking to align your purpose with a business and realize your dreams, this post is for you. Whether you had businesses that didn’t work out in the past and had to go back to a 9-to-5 to recover financially, or your existing business is in limbo because something isn’t working, please read on.

I’ve been through the failure and stuck stages before and understand your pain. It’s tough to know what program is best for you when everyone is selling you a course or a program.ย 

First, you’ll have to decide if you’re ready for a purpose-driven life. In a world where everyone is a coach, it’s hard to determine what coach is right for you and where to turn for help.

In this post, youโ€™ll learn what a purpose-driven business is and how your past life and business experiences led you to start one this year. Additionally, I will show you some key indicators that can make your journey to explore working with the right coach easier to get to the life you desire within the will of God.

What is a purposeful business

A purpose-driven business is a venture God created you to build that aligns with His will and purpose for your life. It connects your gifts, talents, skills, testimony, story, background, passion, loss, triumphs, and interests to serve others for His glory.

When you understand the importance of the journey of faith and the story Godโ€™s writing for your life, youโ€™ll look at your past as a springboard to jumpstart your next chapter of life.

The business youโ€™re born to create also involves what you value most. For instance, as a single woman, I value my time with God, my time as an asset, and my relationships. Prioritizing your value system is vital to growing in your business.

Ephesians 5:15-17 NIV says, says, Be very careful, then, how you liveโ€”not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the Lordโ€™s will is.

Look for Specialist

There is nothing wrong with working with a generalist, but when people go to a doctor for help, they may refer them to a specialist, depending on the severity of the issue or findings.

A specialist is equipped to dig into areas a generalist isn’tโ€”why? Because they specialize in this area full-time.

When King Saul needed relief from the evil spirits, David was called to do the jobโ€”not a generalist.


Samuel 16:16-18 NETย says, Let our lord instruct his servants who are here before you to look for a man who knows how to play the lyre. Then whenever the evil spirit from God comes upon you, he can play the lyreย and you will feel better.โ€ย So Saul said to his servants, โ€œFind me a man who plays well and bring him to me.โ€One of his attendants replied,ย โ€œI have seen a son of Jesse in Bethlehem who knows how to play the lyre. He is a brave warriorย and is articulateย and handsome, for theย Lordย is with him.โ€ย 


Therefore, look for a coach who isn’t average in their area of dealings. Look for a qualified expert who fits the unique needs you currently are struggling with.

Our coaching isnโ€™t your average online mindset or business coach.

We prioritize spiritual guidance through biblical principles and soul work (mind, will, and emotions) to create our powerful CURE framework for success.

The diagnosis strategy is designed to get to the root of getting you unstuck into discovering and refining your purpose and moving into your business with greater clarity.

Why Past Coaches Didn't Work For You

Your past coaching didnโ€™t work out because it wasn’t the best fit for your needs. And itโ€™s important to know that mindset coaching differs from soul work.

Since Christians are in a spiritual battle, we must understand how this warfare affects our soul, business, and mission.

God gave the name Cure 4 the Soul. So weโ€™ve coined soul work as another way to say mindset work, but itโ€™s labor from a spiritual perspective and a Biblical worldview.

It delves deeper into identifying the blind spots, habits, strongholds, and paradigms that keep you stuck and unable to move ahead with wisdom and discernmentโ€”not just the world’s success principles.


1 Thessalonians 5:23 NIV says May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.ย ย 

Allowing the Lordโ€™s power to sanctify you isnโ€™t as simple as it sounds. Itโ€™s a life journey. Once we gain clarity by identifying the root causes of your stuckness, we can move on to life and business success.

In the past, you let previous disappointments hold you back. And you viewed the valley, failures, and loss through the wrong lens.

Therefore, along this journey, you’ll discover how they lead to your wins in a profitable and purpose-driven business.

  • Our unique approach combines practical business strategies with biblical principles, ensuring you reach your goals and align them with your purpose and values.
  • The personalized coaching sessions are designed to unlock your full potential and help you achieve financial success and personal fulfillment.


It’s true. Coaches are everywhere; unfortunately, some take people on as clients to meet their quota even though they know they can’t help them.

Their programs can range from $7k to $30k, and ultimately, you’re left looking for clarity and results.

In our program, you’ll work with a coach who understands your needs.


Many business owners sell “everyone” one-size-fits-all coaching programs and are only in it for the money.

It’s a sad reality, but it’s true!

They teach the newly proclaimed coach to use their how-to-get clients now framework, and then they throw them into the internet with a coaching title to take your $7k-30k hard-earned money.

By the time you realize it’s not working, it’s too late.

Transform your mindset for success

You can’t manage the success you’re praying for without a healthy mind. Success starts from within because you must do the spiritual and soul work. The coach’s job is to provide you with the tools for wise decision-making.

  • A good coach delves into spiritual and practical solutions.
  • A good coach isn’t bossy but leads and guides you to the answer.
  • A good program helps you to focus on mindset transformation, helping you overcome limiting beliefs and negative thinking patterns that may be holding you back from achieving your full potential.

We believe a positive and empowered mindset is crucial for success in life and business.

If you don’t believe you can do it, you won’t!

With over two decades of experience, LaTanya R. Quinn has the expertise to guide you through the in-depth work to get you back to dreaming and growing in your entrepreneurial journey with a business you love.

Align Your Business Idea with Purpose

As a Christian business and soul coach, LaTanya R. Quinn understands the importance of aligning your business with your purpose and values.

Through our coaching sessions, you will learn how to prioritize biblical principles in your business practices, creating a company that generates profits and positively impacts the world.

invest in yourself for long-term success

We believe investing in yourself is the key to long-term success, whether through books, courses, seminars, resources, or the like.

The best coaching programs and challenges focus on helping you to achieve an immediate win, achieving short-term goals, and developing skills and habits that will set you up for success in the long run.

Look for a loving, patient leader to equip you with the tools and resources for success.

A signature touch includes creating a personalized plan to identify your strengths and weaknesses for continuous growth and improvement.

Your investment, impact, and influence will soar and touch the lives of many when you connect with the right coach.

If you’re ready to get unstuck, stop going in and out of the corporate world for money, and solidify your purpose-driven business, see if our coaching fits you.

Book your free strategy call today!

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Create the business you're born to create
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