
So many of God’s children dream of owning their own business. However, for some reason, they have a bit of resistance when it comes to moving forward. If you’re one of the Christians juggling thoughts of staying or using your gifts and talents in your own business, here are 7 reasons to use your gifts and talents now for the glory of God. Not only will using your God-given gifts and talents excite you, but your bond with God will grow more profound when you live a life of purpose according to His design. 

So, how can you use the remaining days of your life to live intentionally instead of burying your gifts and talents? I want you to be all God created you to be by setting goals for success in life and business as a believer.


You may wake up feeling like something is missing from your life. It’s like you’re made for more than what you’re currently doing with your time in a soul-sucking job or an unaligned business.

However, using your gifts and talents keeps you motivated and looking up to our risen Saviour. They keep us in prayer, leaning and depending on Him to give us wisdom to grow in and use them more. But when we go through life feeling purposeless and not doing what God created us to do, life feels mundane. 

Life feels empty when it doesn’t function by design. When you suppress all the goodness stored inside, settling and getting into a survival mode rhythm is easy. But is that how God wants your life to be? How can you use the gifts and talents God gave you? 

John 10:10 KJV says, The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

Yes, we’re content in Christ and learn to adapt to every circumstance because Jesus, our Lord, strengthens us. Nonetheless, some of us are placing ourselves under unnecessary chains, and we aren’t stepping into the abundant life God has for us. Contentment isn’t the same as complacency.

Steve Harvey said, “If you’re waking up thinking that it has to be more to your life than it is, believe that it is.”

Please don’t be afraid of the unknown; instead, shift your mindset to one of faith-driven living. It’s time to take courageous steps that move you in the right direction and that feeling of LIFE every day you wake up.

God Gave You a Purpose

Before conception in the womb, God knew you! The concept proves there is a purpose. Jeremiah was appointed and ordained a prophet to Israel before he was born. God made Jeremiah’s calling and gifting clear to him. God has also made many of your gifts and talents clear to you early on. Using those gifts, will ultimately lead you to your purpose, and purpose leads you to build a purpose-driven business where you serve others to the glory of God.

Although Jeremiah expressed how unqualified he was to fulfill the commission for God, the gift had to be stirred up for Jeremiah to believe.

Jeremiah 1:4-7 NKJV Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;

Before you were born I sanctified you;

I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”

6 Then said I:

“Ah, Lord God!

Behold, I cannot speak, for I am a youth.”

7 But the Lord said to me:

“Do not say, ‘I am a youth,’

For you shall go to all to whom I send you,

And whatever I command you, you shall speak.

God wants you to obey and go wherever He sends you to use your gifts and talents. When you place your faith and trust in God for eternal life, He is your Lord. He’s the God who commissions you for His purposes–His greater mission. It didn’t matter to God that Jeremiah couldn’t speak and was a youth–God is the Author and the Finisher of our faith. So whatever you feel unqualified to do, the better. That just means that there’s no room for pride and you can place your trust in the Lord to guide your steps.

You’ll continue feeling lost if you don’t use your gifts. Whenever I had to walk away from my businesses that weren’t making money at the time to take on a job, I never felt the excitement I felt with working to build my own business. If this sounds like it’s hitting home, I listed 7 reasons to use your gifts and talents now

1. Use Your Gifts and Talents to Overcome Fear

Everyone experiences fear from time to time, but there are many ways to overcome it. As the classic saying goes, “You must feel the fear and do it anyway.”

Fear is paralyzing, and if it’s not dealt with, it will keep you in a mental and spiritual prison. God’s living Word helps us to overcome fear in every form. Jeremiah overcame his inadequacies and fear of man because God strengthened him for the assignment.

When you rely on your strength and methods, you’ll easily trigger anxiety because there are so many things that cause you to shrink back as opposed to moving forward in faith.

Prayer, fasting, and the leap of faith can stomp out fear! The more you do something, the better you become at it. In most God is in control, Soulful.

2. You’ll Walk by Faith

The Father God calls His children to live by faith. When you walk by faith, you trust the Holy Spirit to lead and guide your steps. Jesus calls us Christians, Christ’s followers, to live by faith, right?

Romans 1:17 NKJV says, For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.”

Fear is paralyzing; it will keep you in a mental prison if it’s not dealt with. You’ll forfeit all the joy and benefits of living a life growing increasingly dependent on God, the way He designed us to live. 

When we use our gifts and talents, were able to see His move in our lives in ways we never thought possible.

I don’t want to discount the moments where you may feel afraid to live life boldly, but fear is not of God. 

Fear is defined as false evidence appearing real, but if we describe the words false and appearthese words don’t derive from facts. 

The dictionary meaning of false is not according with truth or fact; incorrect.

Remember how God talked to Joshua when He succeeded Moses in bringing the Israelites into the Promised Land? Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9 NIV).

(3) Less Stress

When you’re living a life of purpose by incorporating your gifts and talents into your business, family, church, or community, you’ll have less stress because your life is flowing as it’s designed to flow. But, when you’re too busy and tied up with other things that have no correlation to your gifts and talents, there is no room for the joy that comes from your fulfilling purpose. Research proves more endorphins are released when you’re consumed with doing things you love. 

When your job, family, friends, children, and neighbors take every moment of your time, it’s hard to settle down and think clearly. If having a moment to yourself is hard, you’re neglecting your life purpose and allowing more stress to enter. I believe we should make every effort to reduce stress and focus on work that keeps of fulfilled.

It’s known that stress is a significant cause of several health ailments that lead to death.

The National Library of Medicine stated in PMCID research states, “Studies have shown that short-term stress boosted the immune system, but chronic stress has a significant effect on the immune system that ultimately manifest an illness. It raises catecholamine and suppressor T cells levels, which suppress the immune system. This suppression, in turn raises the risk of viral infection. 

Emotional stress is a major contributing factor to the six leading causes of death in the United States: cancer, coronary heart disease, accidental injuries, respiratory disorders, cirrhosis of the liver and suicide. 

(4) You’ll Wake Up Excited to Work

I’m an advocate of goal-setting, productivity, and planning for life and business. In fact as The Soul Coach, I coach Christian business owners in the area of spiritual growth, soul work, and effective goal-setting aligned with their purpose-driven business.

Purpose leads to goals and goals help us to prioritize our time, tasks, and commitments. When we incorporate our goals and talents into building the family, marriage, business, or ministry we love and value, we wake up more excited to work and build.

Homeschooling, going to the office, being a good spouse, and building a business is not easy, but it’s worth it because God notices all we do, and we do it in service to Him from love.

So many of us shy away from asking God for anything because He knows our needs. I don’t want you to be afraid to ask God for the desires of your heart. God placed good desires in His children. 

Consider how you’d feel if your child never came to you for anything! They never ask for help or to share their concerns or desires.

Our Lord God is good. He wants us to come to Him, He’s our perfect Father and in Him contains everything we’ll ever need.

Talk to Him and tell Him how you feel and pray for the desires of your heart.

If you’re desiring to use your gifts to grow, start, or restart a business or ministry, or are just looking to take steps to set goals that align with your purpose, please grab my free Dream Big Goal-Setting guide.

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(5) More Clarity in Purpose

Clarity and alignment are vital when using your gifts and talents. In some seasons, we can lose ourselves. Work, family, health, and financial priorities take over. We get consumed with the cares of the world and forget about ourselves. 

When you focus on sharpening or gaining new skills, listening to the right things, applying God’s Word to your life, and taking better care of your health, you’ll experience greater clarity.

When you set goals and have a direction for your life, it’s easy to eliminate time wasters and say no to what doesn’t fit your current season and priorities. 

(6) You Won’t Settle

We all have to work to make a living. However, when you live by faith and operate in purpose and alignment God will give you new opportunities to use your gifts and talents. 

Many Believers are drained working their 9-5 jobs. Many of those jobs and careers are soul-sucking roles that do nothing more than keep the bills paid. 

To be clear, I believe we must work, but I want you to look at the opportunity to use your gifts and talents as a shifting of the type of work you do.

Working for your employer is not the only kind of work that exists. That’s why it’s essential, to be honest with God about the desires of your heart. 



Please think of work as an assignment and calling. Before you go home to be with the Lord, will you hear well done my good and faithful servant?


You’ll be the bold Christian God made you to become. There is no unlocking of purpose to use your gifts and talents without a clear understanding of your identity in Christ.

The identity He gave us in Him gives us the boldness to walk by faith and allow Him to mold us and sanctify us into the person He created us to be.

Without Christ, we are and have nothing.

We serve the Almighty God, and there is absolutely nothing to shy away from or be afraid of. As you grow closer to, learn about, and pray to Him, He will make you bolder, and you’ll want nothing more than to experience the stirring up of the gifts and talents He’s placed in you for His purposes.


No matter how much good we do, we’re only successful if we do the work our Father sent us to do. Everything else doesn’t count if what we’re doing is not what God placed us here to do.

I pray this post, 7 Reasons to Use Your Gifts & Talents Now, has helped, blessed, or resonated with you somehow.

Soul Actions:

Write down the gifts and talents you believe God placed in you!

Pray and share with God your desire to use your gifts and talents more.

Refuse to be a victim of false evidence appearing real.

Please be so kind as to share this with two friends and family members and don’t forget to snag your free Dream Big Goal-Setting guide to set goals aligned with purpose and Biblical principles.

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