
Do you struggle to stick with your goals after spending so much of late December and early January excited about them? I get it, and that’s why, as a Christian business owner, I want to share six reasons why your goals will fail if you do things I include in this post.

No matter how well you plan or how determined you are, your goals will fail if you do any of these overlooked, unfocused things. Dreaming Big and setting goals is hard enough, but ensuring they don’t fail is even harder. 

Here are a few tips on what NOT to do if you want your goals to succeed.


Why wouldn’t you stay passionate about your goals? It’s easier said than done. Whenever a hardship arises that tests your faith, it will be hard to remain passionate about the goals you set.

If you’re not passionate about the goals you set to achieve, reaching the destination will be harder than you’ve ever imagined. Think of having a big desire to climb a mountain, but on that day, you feel sick. All you want to do is stay in bed. Well, striving for goals often feels like that. Achieving goals can seem overwhelming when we aren’t passionate about them.

Examples include losing weight, seeking a new job, or building new habits.

Committing to a goal without feeling emotionally connected to it deep within your heart and soul is possible. But even then, your goal will only succeed if you can overcome your lack of enthusiasm and build your focus and discipline.


You can easily overcome a lack of passion. First, remember that you’re doing what you do to glorify the Lord. Second, never confuse your identity in Christ with your accomplishments. Then, educate yourself on why the goal is vital to conquering and the positive changes you’ll experience spiritually. Take some time to reflect on why this goal is important in your life and its purpose; connecting with its importance and how you can better serve people when it’s obtained can often reignite enthusiasm for attainment. 

Accessing your creativity will also help. You can draw, write, or brainstorm fresh ideas and concepts with the Holy Spirit.

Tip: Start by breaking down the larger goal into smaller ones that you can work on individually. Please grab my goal-setting guide with 8 of my spiritual disciplines for accomplishing my goals right here.

God wants us to plan and use our time wisely. This is why I created the Dream Big Goal-setting guide.


Goal-Setting Aligned with Biblical Principles

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If you don’t have a plan, be certain that your goals will fail. If this is true, reading the Bible will encourage faith and planning. Ask God to help you adjust your goals to align with His purpose for your life. Making a Bible reading and study plan is a good idea to keep the spiritual fire burning and learning for your goals. Meditating on God’s Word will offer guidance that will allow you to construct an effective plan with practical and tangible action items – making your aim more within reach.

A robust spiritual life will bring clarity and perspective to any given situation. As you read the Bible (God’s plan), you’ll be encouraged to make a plan. Remember, reading the Bible is a source of motivation and strength, not just when things are going well but especially when encountering challenges during your journey. 

Tip: Decide what Bible books and chapters you’ll read each morning, the night before. It helps save time and sets intentions to grow spiritually and draw closer to the Lord.


When you struggle to remain consistent with your promises to yourself, work on your goals, or find yourself unable to start or even finish what you’ve set out to do, don’t worry—it’s a common problem. 

Realistically scheduling the time to turn these goals into actions is an essential part of the process. You also must read, Goals vs. Systems for Christians. It will help you with the action part once you understand systems.

Consistently taking action is not easy, and you’ll have to put in the hard work, but once you do, it’ll all be worth it, especially when you achieve something great that’s meaning to you. So be sure to take action, control this inconsistent habit, and become successful in achieving your desired outcome!

Tip: Set actual times and dates that you plan to follow through on completing your goal. 


Giving up too easily can prevent you from achieving the things you sacrificed so much time and effort for. You’ve already come too far to give up now. You have to remember how the Holy Spirit has been strengthening you to make it as far as you made it, and God will continue to strengthen you to move forward.

For believers, hard work connects our faith for the very thing we’re trusting God for. Rewards await, whether here or eternally.  

If you give up when things get hard, you’ll miss new opportunities, spiritual growth, and personal development. It’s important to remember that hard work when done for Christ pays off. Nothing we do for God is in vain, so push yourself further each time, and don’t give up!

Tip: When you feel like giving up, recall two Scriptures and two Bible stories to keep you going.


You can’t progress if you’re stuck with poor, stagnant, and unfruitful thoughts. It can be difficult to renew your negative mindset; however, it is possible when you do the soul work. The soul is the mind, will, and emotions, and there’s work to do to cooperate with the Holy Ghost in the sanctification as we trust Him. God will never ask us to do anything impossible, and He will equip us.

First, take some time to reflect on what might be causing your negative thoughts and feelings. Ask the Lord God to search your heart and reveal what’s causing you to act in opposition to the fruit of the Spirit. Once you’ve identified them, start slowly replacing those thought patterns with Scriptures to help you break those unhealthy patterns.

Faith requires a renewed mind, the old mindsets of the past won’t take you to new levels.

Additionally, focus on the goodness and beauty of God and all He is. Think about all God has done for you.

Reflect on how He made you for His glory and how He has you here for a purpose. Think about your testimony, talents, values, and the goals you want to accomplish. Yes, overcoming old beliefs will be challenging initially, but renewing this mindset through Christ’s transformation can give you a newfound confidence that will help you make meaningful changes.

Tip: I wrote an entire book called The Acceleration Cure – 28 Biblical Principles to Get Unstuck in Life and Business Now. In it, it helps you to move past the negative mind in over 28 ways through a daily devotionals. It will change your life and business for the best.


Comparison is not of God and leads to jealousy and other sins. Comparing yourself to others can be a discouraging practice, especially when it leads to the idea that you cannot stay on the same path of progress that everyone else seems to be making. Unfortunately, this thought process does not consider each person’s different challenges in life and business and the sanctification God has mapped out for them.

Everyone has different strengths, weaknesses, skills, and levels of support from others. It’s like trying to compete with the pros when you’re a rookie. People have individual rates at which they can or choose to work. A helpful approach here is to stay in your lane. It simply means to focus and maximize on what you’re good at, what God made you for. When you stay true to who you are in Christ and the gifts He gave you, you will remain true to your priorities and goals rather than trying to emulate someone else’s timeline. Do what makes sense for you, stay motivated despite difficulties, and believe you will eventually make it where you want to be if it’s God’s will.

Tip: Ask God how He feels about comparisons and competition.


Christian goals will always fail when we don’t put God first in everything we do. For instance, we can pray, but we won’t hit our goals without moving forward and letting God lead our work. If we work and don’t pray, we will struggle. 

Although we may win and accomplish things, it’s not the same when the God who created and formed us in the womb and knew us before the earth’s foundation is not involved. When we work unto the Lord and invite Him to lead all we do, we can grow in our relationship with Him. Therefore, be sure to stay in contact with God on your good and bad days. Don’t just seek Him out when things get bad. Keep the relationship you have with Him the foremost priority. He is Lord over every area of your life.


These are six reasons you might not be achieving your goals. If any of them resonate with you, don’t worry! The first step is acknowledging that there’s a problem. Now that you’re aware of the potential obstacles in your way, it’s time to take action and start making some changes. If this post was helpful for you, please share it with two friends who might also find it useful. Helping others achieve their dreams is one of the best feelings in the world- let’s pay it forward! Please stay connected for our future events that help Christian business owners in spiritual growth, soul work, purpose, goals, and planning.

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